I am a machine learning scientist at Recursion. I work on machine learning methods for statistical genomics with a focus on disease biology. I am interested in automated machine learning, variational autoencoders, and Gaussian process models.
Previously, I was a postdoctoral fellow working with Kieran Campbell at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute of Sinai Health System and a faculty affiliate researcher at the Vector Institute in Toronto, Canada.
Before that, I was a postdoc with Quaid Morris at the Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research and Vector Institute, working on optimal segmentation methods for genomics.
I completed my Ph.D. in statistical genomics at the School of Informatics in the University of Edinburgh in 2018, advised by Guido Sanguinetti. Before that, I earned an M.Sc. in Computational Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics from the University of Edinburgh and a joint B.Sc. in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of York.
August 2024: I started a new position as machine learning scientist at Recursion.
June 2024: Our paper on predictive models of scRNA-seq pipeline performance was published in Genome Biology.
March 2024: Our new preprint on clustering highly multiplexed imaging data while accounting for segmentation errors is out on bioRxiv.
February 2024: I presented a poster on my current work on learning transciptional states in cancer with adversarial variational autoencoders at the Vector Institute Remarkable 2024 Research Symposium.
January 2024: Our new preprint on using AutoML to recommend pipelines for scRNA-seq data analysis is out on bioRxiv.
October 2023: I was invited to be a reviewer for MLCB 2023.
September 2023: Our paper was invited to and accepted in the Journal Track of the AutoML Conference 2023 held in Berlin. This earned our paper an Event Certification in TMLR. Watch my teaser and a longer talk for the conference.
May 2023: I gave a talk on our recent work in the AutoML Seminar series. Watch my talk on YouTube.
March 2023: Our paper on multi-objective optimization for biomedical data analysis was published in Transactions on Machine Learning Research.
December 2022: My recent work was presented as a poster at the Queer In AI workshop at NeurIPS in New Orleans.
December 2022: I was invited to present my work at the CANSSI Showcase 2022, a national event spotlighting recent research in the Canadian statistical sciences community.
July 2022: I was awarded the Hold'em for Life Oncology Fellowship.
November 2021: Two of our current projects were accepted at the MLCB 2021: I presented a poster on our current work on multi-objective optimization and my co-author Yuju Lee gave an oral presentation on segmentation error aware clustering for imaging data.
May 2021: I was invited to be a reviewer for PLOS Computational Biology and Briefings in Bioinformatics.
April 2021: I got awarded the CANSSI Ontario Top-up Award for Postdoctoral Fellows in Data Science.
March 2021: I got accepted to the Vector Institute Postgraduate Affiliate Program in the 2021-2023 cohort.
February 2021: I joined the lab of Dr. Kieran Campbell at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute as a postdoctoral fellow.
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Mount Sinai Hospital
L5-223 60 Murray St.
Toronto, Ontario M5T 3L9